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XCOM - Expansion: Evolution

Produktinformationen "XCOM - Expansion: Evolution"


XCOM: Evolution is an expansion for XCOM: The Board Game that complicates your war effort with new missions, enemies, and invasion plans, as well as mechanics that make your struggles more dangerous than ever.

As the alien forces spread and peril increases, the sinister humans of the EXALT seek to take advantage of the chaos to infiltrate and destroy XCOM from within.

Their treachery leads to new challenges, and you’ll face new crises, you’ll find your work subverted, and you’ll have to deal with new threats to the very resources you need to win the war.

Fortunately, your team has also made some advances since the war began. The discovery of the mysterious alien substance known as Meld promises to unlock some astonishing breakthroughs in the field of biomechanics.

And XCOM: Evolution allows you to pursue some of these advances, potentially bringing formidable new weaponry to the field in the form of MEC Troopers!

Alter: 14+
Dauer: 1-2h
Hersteller: Fantasy Flight Games
Spieler: 1-4
Sprache: Englisch
Alter: 14+
Dauer: 1-2h
EAN: 841333102142
Spieler: 1-4
Sprache: Englisch
Achtung! Nicht für Kinder unter 3 Jahren geeignet.

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Fantasy Flight Games 1995 West County Road B2 55113 Roseville, MN https://www.fantasyflightgames.com WEEE-Nummer:

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Asmodee Germany Friedrichstraße 47 45128 Essen DE deutschland@asmodee.com