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Maglev Metro

Produktinformationen "Maglev Metro"

Prolific Age of Steam map creator Ted Alspach (Suburbia, Castles of Mad King Ludwig) takes you into the near future with this subway-themed strategy title! In Maglev Metro, utilize state-of-the-art magnetic levitation technology to build a metropolitan rail system, transporting workers and robots beneath the city. Replace aging Manhattan and Berlin subway systems with newer, faster, quieter technology. Enhance your rail system's abilities so that your passengers arrive at their destinations first.
Efficiency is your key to success in this pick-up-and-deliver, tile-laying, engine-building game. Transparent tiles allow your route to overlap your opponents' tracks, winding you along from station to station. Robots efficiently upgrade and adjust your abilities, leveraging unique goals to maximize points. By the end of the game, the game board has morphed into a modern subway map, with brightly-colored routes connecting stations all over the city.
Alter: 14+
Autor: Ted Alspach
Dauer: 90 Min.
EAN: 810024460120
Spieler: 1-4
Sprache: Englisch
Achtung! Nicht für Kinder unter 3 Jahren geeignet.

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