Last year’s 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection blew everyone’s socks off, so we started work on a sequel right away. In order to get it out as fast as we can, we’ve made some changes to the configuration while leaving all the good stuff (and value!) intact.
25th Anniversary Rarity Collection II packs have twice as many Ultra & Secret Rares per pack, which gives you twice as many chances at “luxury rares” per pack (Quarter Century Secret Rares, “Prismatic”-style Ultimate & Collector’s Rares, and Platinum Rares)!
We’ve cut back on the packaging, so there will be fewer packs you’ll need to open (and fewer foil wrappers to throw away) to get the same number of the cards you’re looking for. (And with double the cards per pack, about two-thirds of packs should have at least one “luxury rare”, this time, and around a third should have more than one. You could even get up to SIX “luxury rares” in the same pack, this time around!)
If you missed out on the first Rarity Collection, here’s how it works: Every card in the set is available in every rarity, with 3 “standard” rarities (Super Rare, Ultra rare, Secret Rare), and four special “luxury’” rarities: Quarter Century Secret Rares (celebrating the 25th anniversary with tons of sparkle and a watermark logo!), Platinum Secret Rares, “Prismatic”-style Collector’s Rares (previously available only overseas), and “Prismatic”-style Ultimate Rares (with special 3D varnish, and also available only overseas until recently).
Opening Rarity Collection packs is a rapid-fire waterfall of high-powered cards, in seven of the game’s most popular foil rarities. If you haven’t experienced this all-foil extravaganza yet, you’re in for a treat!
Each pack will contain: 2 Secret Rares (each with an individual 1-in-4 chance of being upgraded to a Platinum Secret Rare or Quarter Century Secret Rare) 4 Ultra Rares (each with an individual 1-in-6 chance of being upgraded to a new “Prismatic”-style Collector’s Rare or new “Prismatic”-style Ultimate Rare) 3 Super Rares
ALL CARDS ARE DIFFERENT FROM THE FIRST RARITY COLLECTION! Here’s just a quick look at some of what you can find:
• Hard-to-Find tournament powerhouses like Accesscode Talker and Magicians’ Souls !
• Silent Magician & Silent Swordsman , available for the first time in eight years! And just in time for the brand-new “Silent” cards coming in April’s Legacy of Destruction booster set.
• Cards that will glisten and gleam in your hand as they wait for the perfect moment to seal your victory! Tournament mainstays like Droll & Lock Bird and Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit , plus Ghost Mourner & Moonlit Chill and Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay !
• The interstellar Field Spell Cards from the competitive “Visas Starfrost” story Decks: Primitive Planet Reichphobia , Primeval Planet Perlereino , Pressured Planet Wraitsoth , and Peaceful Planet Calarium!
Variant art! The “biker” version of I:P Masquerena and the “fierce” version of Rescue Cat will now be available in all 7 different rarities! Plus Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess !
• Plus dozens and dozens more!
• The 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection II is a spectacular all-foil set with 79 unique cards in the set with 2 cards in the set also available as variant art cards.
Whether you’re a collector or a competitive Duelist, 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection II is full of cards that everyone will want to get their hands on!
*Set name and contents are subject to change
Gehen Sie an die Front und führen Sie mit 3 neuen Themen in Valiant Smashers einen umfassenden Angriff gegen Ihren Gegner!
Sie gehören in ein Museum, doch stattdessen erwachen die Monster vergangener Zeiten wieder zum Leben, und zwar mächtiger als je zuvor, dank des Unterweltreichs von Mementolan! Schicken Sie eine nicht enden wollende Monsterarmee aus, um Ihre Feinde zu zermürben, und recyceln Sie dann die Teile, um das neue Bossmonster der Stufe 11 mit 5.000 ATK, Tecuhtlica, zu beschwören!
Was machen zwei brillante Ritter in ihrer Freizeit? Bauen Sie natürlich einen magischen Mecha-Golem-Warbot! Setze dieses einzigartige Combo-Angriffs-Deck ein, bereite es vor und verbessere es. Es kann seine Monster direkt vom Deck aus als kontinuierliche Fallen spielen und sie dann von dort in die Monsterzone beschwören. Baue ein fantastisches Synchromonster der Stufe 12 auf, das dir eine Karte zieht und das stärkste Monster deines Gegners zerstört!
Entdecken Sie die Geheimnisse des mysteriösen Glasinstruments! Ist es ein Geschenk von oben oder ein Fluch von unten? Diese Pendulum & Link-Strategie bietet Ihnen eine ununterbrochene Reihe geteilter Entscheidungen – entscheiden Sie sich für Licht oder Dunkelheit, Heilung oder Schaden? Und ist alles so, wie es zunächst schien ...?
Das Valiant Smashers Booster-Set enthält 60 Karten:
10 Ultra Rares
15 Super Rares
35 Rares
15 Karten im Set sind auch als Collector’s Rares erhältlich
3 Karten im Set sind auch als Quarter Century Secret Rares erhältlich
24 Booster pro Display
7 Karten pro Booster
Spell Ruler was the third Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME booster set ever released! For years, you could only get your hands on these coveted packs as part of the Legendary Collection, but now, just in time to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the card game, they're being made available as a standalone booster!
Spell Ruler was the first appearance of Ritual Spell Cards, Ritual Monsters, and Quick-Play Spell Cards like Mystical Space Typhoon. This was the first appearance of Pegasus’ Toon World and Toon monsters from the first Yu-Gi-Oh! animated series, including the beloved Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon! Joining them were powerful Spell Cards like Delinquent Duo, Snatch Steal, and Painful Choice. This printing will feature both Secret Rares from the set.
The complete Spell Ruler booster set is 104 cards:
65 Commons
17 Rares
10 Super Rares
10 Ultra Rares
2 Secret Rares
Each booster pack contains 9 cards