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Fantasy Realms -EN

Produktinformationen "Fantasy Realms -EN"

As ruler, it’s up to you to build the mightiest realm in the world! Will you choose to follow military tactics and sweep away all in your path with a massive army? Will you turn towards sorcery and control an inaccessible island surrounded by impenetrable flames? The choice is yours, no two realms will ever be the same in Fantasy Realms.
A combo-licious card game.
Fantasy Realms takes seconds to learn: draw a card, discard a card. Though in this case you can draw from the deck or the discard area!
Make the best hand you can by making the best combos. Game ends when there are 10 cards in the discard area. Aim for the highest score.
Components: 53 cards, score pad, rules.
Alter: 14+
Autor: Bruce Glassco
Dauer: 20
EAN: 634482729342
Spieler: 3-6
Sprache: Englisch
Achtung! Nicht für Kinder unter 3 Jahren geeignet.

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