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MTG - Collector Booster Display: Streets of New Capenna

Produktinformationen "MTG - Collector Booster Display: Streets of New Capenna"

12 Streets of New Capenna MTG Collector Boosters + 1 foil box topper card
15 Magic cards + 1 foil token in each booster
Collector Booster-exclusive special treatments
5 cards of rarity Rare or higher in every pack
10 foil cards in every pack
Join one of five powerful families and build your criminal empire
Alter: 13+
Hersteller: Wizards of the Coast
Sprache: Englisch
Alter: 13+
EAN: 195166122076
Sprache: Englisch
Achtung! Nicht für Kinder unter 3 Jahren geeignet.

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Wizards of the Coast LLC PO Box 707 98057-0707 Renton, WA WEEE-Nummer:

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Hasbro Hasbro De Entree 240 1101 EE Amsterdam NL dpo@hasbro.com https://support.wizards.com