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Yu-Gi-Oh! - Dark Magician Girl Card Case

Produktinformationen "Yu-Gi-Oh! - Dark Magician Girl Card Case"

Magician fans unite! Protect your Deck with the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME (TCG) Dark Magician Girl Card Case, part of a new line of accessories that feature new artwork of Dark Magician’s apprentice, Dark Magician Girl !
This official Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Card Case is large enough to hold a Duelist’s Main Deck, Extra Deck and Side Deck. Each Card Case is made from durable material, includes a card divider, and comes with a sturdy closure to ensure your cards will stay protected inside. Keep your Deck safe and get ready to Duel!
EAN: 4012927160190
Sprache: Sprachneutral
Achtung! Nicht für Kinder unter 3 Jahren geeignet.

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Yu-Gi-Oh! - Booster Display: Legendary Duelists, Duels from the Deep
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50,00 €*
Yu-Gi-Oh! - Booster: Rise of the Duelist
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3,90 €*
Yu-Gi-Oh! - Dark Magician Girl Card Sleeves 50 stk.
Official Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME (TCG) Card Sleeves help Duelists keep their cards secure and protected during Duels. Enchant your competition with the brand-new Dark Magician Girl Card Sleeves, part of a new line of accessories featuring new artwork of Dark Magician’s apprentice, Dark Magician Girl! These Card Sleeves are perfect for keeping your cards safe in style! Each pack contains 50 Card Sleeves specifically designed to meet tournament regulation standards for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG.

12,99 €*
Yu-Gi-Oh! - Dark Magician Girl Game Mat
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15,99 €*
Yu-Gi-Oh! - Booster: Maze of Memories
Jedes gute Labyrinth braucht einen Wächter, und Maze of Memories wird von neuen Weltpremieren-Karten verteidigt, die den kultigen Torwächter der Gebrüder Paradox aufleben lassen! Kombiniere Kazejin, Suijin und Sanga des Donners wie du magst, um brandneue Fusionsmonster durch Spezialbeschwörung zu erhalten! Um Maze of Memories wirklich a-MAZE-ing zu machen, enthält es auch denkwürdige Turnierkarten aus der Vergangenheit sowie moderne Klassiker! Du bekommst eine weitere Chance, die Konkurrenz mit einem der mächtigsten Synchromonster der Welt zu schlagen – der Blumenbaronin! Das komplette Maze of Memories-Set enthält 67 Karten*: 42 Rare Karten, 15 Super Rare Karten, 10 Ultra Rare Karten (15 Karten sind auch als Collector’s Rares erhältlich) Jedes Booster Pack enthält 7 Karten: 1 Foil-Karte pro Pack, 6 Rare Karten pro Pack.

3,80 €*
Yu-Gi-Oh! - Booster Display: Maze of Memories
Jedes gute Labyrinth braucht einen Wächter, und Maze of Memories wird von neuen Weltpremieren-Karten verteidigt, die den kultigen Torwächter der Gebrüder Paradox aufleben lassen! Kombiniere Kazejin, Suijin und Sanga des Donners wie du magst, um brandneue Fusionsmonster durch Spezialbeschwörung zu erhalten! Um Maze of Memories wirklich a-MAZE-ing zu machen, enthält es auch denkwürdige Turnierkarten aus der Vergangenheit sowie moderne Klassiker! Du bekommst eine weitere Chance, die Konkurrenz mit einem der mächtigsten Synchromonster der Welt zu schlagen – der Blumenbaronin! Das komplette Maze of Memories-Set enthält 67 Karten*: 42 Rare Karten, 15 Super Rare Karten, 10 Ultra Rare Karten (15 Karten sind auch als Collector’s Rares erhältlich) Jedes Booster Pack enthält 7 Karten: 1 Foil-Karte pro Pack, 6 Rare Karten pro Pack

70,00 €*
Yu-Gi-Oh! - Legendary Collection 25th Anniversary Edition
Die Legendary Collection: 25th Anniversary Edition (deutsch) enthält: 6 Booster Packs (1 Booster Legend of Blue-Eyes White Dragon, 1 Booster Metal Raiders, 1 Booster Spell Ruler, 1 Booster Pharaoh's Servant, 1 Booster Dark Crisis, 1 Booster Invasion of Chaos) 6 Ultra Rare Karten (1 Ultra Rare Obelisk the Tormentor Karte, 1 Ultra Rare Slifer the Sky Dragon Karte, 1 Ultra Rare Karte Der geflügelte Drache von Ra, 1 Ultra Rare Karte Blauäugiger Weißer Drache, 1 Ultra Rare Karte Dunkler Magier, 1 Ultra Rare Karte Rotäugiger Schwarzer Drache) 1 Karte von den 6 oben genannten Karten (zufällig) als Quarter Century Secret Rare Version Eines der legendärsten Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME Produkte kehrt zum 25-jährigen Jubiläum des Kartenspiels zurück! Die allererste Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME Legendary Collection wird als Legendary Collection: 25th Anniversary Edition wiedergeboren! Sie enthält 6 Booster Packs und 6 Ultra Rare Karten, darunter spezielle Varianten einiger der berühmtesten Monster aus der ursprünglichen Anime-Serie. Zusätzlich zu den 6 Ultra Rare-Karten, die die sehr gefragten und begehrten originalen ägyptischen Götterkarten-Promos enthalten, wird die 25th Anniversary Edition eine 7. zusätzliche Karte enthalten! Diese 7. Karte bietet den Duellanten einen Vorgeschmack auf eine brandneue Rarität, die speziell für das 25-jährigen Jubiläum kreiert wurde: Quarter Century Secret Rare!

26,99 €*
Yu-Gi-Oh! - Egyptian God Deck: Obelisk the Tormentor
Awaken the power of the Egyptian God Cards! If you’ve ever wanted to build a Deck around an Egyptian God Card but didn’t know where to start, look no further than the Egyptian God Decks! Egyptian God Deck: Slifer the Sky Dragon and Egyptian God Deck: Obelisk the Tormentor serve up simple strategies to Summon and win with either Slifer the Sky Dragon or Obelisk the Tormentor . Slifer the Sky Dragon Slifer powers up depending on how many cards you have in your hand, so this Deck uses Token-generating effects to help you gather the 3 required Tributes while using fewer cards from your hand. After you have Slifer on the field, power it up with cards that let you draw more cards, like the brand-new Thunderforce Attack! Based on Slifer’s signature attack, this Spell can destroy all your opponent’s face-up monsters at any time, but if you use it during your own Main Phase you can draw a card for each monster destroyed! Obelisk the Tormentor Unleash the true power of Obelisk the Tormentor by Tributing 2 monsters you control and wipe your opponent’s monsters off the field! This Deck uses self-replicating monsters to provide Tributes and protect your Life Points as you get closer to drawing your Divine Beast. Obelisk’s own ability can crush your opponent’s monsters all at once, but throw in the new Spell Card, Fist of Fate, and you can negate a monster’s effect and destroy it without needing to Tribute. Activate during your own Main Phase and you can crush all your opponent’s Spells and Traps as well! Each Egyptian God Deck is 40 cards total and includes 1 Egyptian God Card and 5 new cards – 4 unique new cards as well as 1 copy of Soul Crossing, a brand-new Quick-Play Spell Card included in both Decks that lets you Tribute Summon your Egyptian God Card by Tributing your opponent’s monsters! Each Deck is playable on its own straight out of the box and comes with a Dueling Guide that explains the basic strategy and some rules you should know to get the most out of your Deck. Of course, if you pick up both, you can mix and match their strategies to create an awesome Deck that can wield multiple Egyptian God Cards! Each Egyptian God Deck contains 40 cards: 4 Ultra Rares 4 Super Rares 32 Commons 1 Deluxe Game Mat/Dueling Guide

9,99 €*
Yu-Gi-Oh! - Booster: Battles of Legend - Monstrous Revenge
Dieses All-Foil-Booster-Set erzählt eine Geschichte von Rittern, Drachen, Geistern und Schlangen und liefert Karten für viele verschiedene Decks aus dem Yu‑Gi‑Oh! Manga und der Anime-Serie, angeführt vom neuen Dunkler Magier der Ritter der Drachenmagie, Bewaffneter Neos, Überfallsynchron, Letzte Hoffnung der Nummern, Buntäugiger Rebellions-Xyz-Drache und Rakketenkoder!  Zu den monströsen Vertretern dieses Booster-Sets mit mehr als 100 Karten gehört ebenfalls Extox-Hydra, die die gegnerischen Monster aus den Extra-Deck-Kategorien schwächen kann und dir für jeden 1000. Kampfschaden, den sie anrichtet, eine Karte zieht! Außerdem kannst du dein Extra Deck mit dem neuen Dreiklingen-Meister Synchromonster, dem Xyz/Pendel Daidaratant der Schleimriese und vielen weiteren aufpeppen. Von „Unterwelt“-Geistern bis hin zu „Marionetten“-Schachfiguren, von „Künstlerkumpel“ bis hin zu „Himmelsjägern“ wirst du für jede Menge Decks neue Karten finden!  Battles of Legend: Monstrous Revenge ist außerdem das erste Booster-Set für das Yu‑Gi‑Oh! TRADING CARD GAME, um sein 25-jähriges Jubiläum mit Quarter Century Secret Rares zu feiern!   Es gibt Quarter-Century-Secret-Rare-Versionen von neuen Karten wie Bewaffneter Neos und Überfallsynchron, doch auch von Kultkarten der Spielgeschichte wie Finsterer bewaffneter Drache, Dante, Reisender des Brennenden Abgrunds und ein neues Alternative Artwork von Himmelsjäger-Mobilisierung – Angriff!. Zudem einige der trendigsten Karten wie Ritus von Aramesir, Göttliches Arsenal AA-ZEUS – Himmelsdonner und Willkommens-Labrynth – alle verfügbar als Quarter Century Secret Rare Karten!  Jedes 5-Karten-Pack enthält 4 Ultra Rares und 1 Secret Rare.  Das komplette Battles of Legend: Monstrous Revenge Booster-Set enthält*:  40 Secret Rare Karten 62 Ultra Rare Karten (Mehr als 20 Karten im Set sind auch als Quarter Century Secret Rares erhältlich) 

3,90 €*
Yu-Gi-Oh! - Booster: Battles of Legend - Terminal Revenge (DE)
Battles of Legend: Terminal Revenge combines the storytelling of the Hidden Arsenal series with its own signature blend of foil-ups for popular cards, and gives Duelists another shot at tournament-level cards. Combined, it’s a can’t miss, all-foil Summer Dueling blockbuster! Tales from the Terminal World! Battles of Legend: Terminal Revenge features brand-new cards for 4 of the most popular themes introduced in the world of the Duel Terminal arcade game! These themes formed the backbone of the Hidden Arsenal booster sets for years and appeared in many core booster sets as well! In Battles of Legend: Terminal Revenge, you’ll find new cards for: Ice Barrier! Freeze out your opponent with a new Level 10 Synchro Monster that Summons an “Ice Barrier” monster from your Deck, Extra Deck, hand, or Graveyard when your opponent Special Summons! There’s a wide variety of domineering “Ice Barrier” monsters, so there’s bound to be at least one that freezes your opponent’s strategy in its tracks. You can also find a new version of Brionac, the first of the dragons trapped in the Ice Barrier! Genex! Genex Controller, the little Normal Monster that could, is getting more than a new coat of paint! Use it to Link Summon a brand-new Link-1 monster that can generate theoretically limitless Normal Summons! As long as you can keep adding “Genex” monsters to your hand with card effects, you can keep Normal Summoning them out right away – perfect for assembling powerful Synchro Monsters like Locomotion R-Genex, or the new Level 10 “Genex” Synchro in this set that can repeatedly negate and destroy your opponent’s monsters by banishing monsters from your Graveyard! Infernoid! The world-shaping flood of Infernoids began in Secrets of Eternity and continues here! Fusion Summon a new Level 1 “Infernoid” Fusion Monster that swiftly multiplies the number of “Infernoid” monsters you have in your Graveyard, then finish off your opponent with a devastating Link-4 “Infernoid” Link Monster! Even better, since Link Monsters have no Level or Rank, it won’t count against the '8 or lower’ total Levels/Ranks restriction to Special Summon most “Infernoid” effect monsters! Ritual Beast! The bonds between spiritual beasts and their tamers are reforged! You can only Special Summon each Main Deck “Ritual Beast” monster once per turn, so you need as many Tamers and Spiritual Beasts in your Deck as possible. Fans of this strategy can find a new version of Lara, one of the original Ritual Beast Tamers, as well as 2 new Ulti- class Ritual Beasts for your Extra Deck, including a Link Monster! Even More New Cards On top of that, you’ll find new cards that bolster strategies introduced in Phantom Nightmare and Legacy of Destruction. Plus, this set contains cool cards from many different Yu-Gi-Oh! manga and animated series, including cards from the story of Sky Strikers! Another Chance at Popular Cards! As always with Battles of Legend sets, Battles of Legend: Terminal Revenge will feature a line-up of popular cards getting foil upgrades as well as some popular tournament cards you can use to up your game this Summer! No matter how you like to Duel, you won’t want to miss out on Battles of Legend: Terminal Revenge! Each 5-card pack contains 4 Ultra Rares and 1 Secret Rare. The complete Battles of Legend: Terminal Revenge booster set contains a mix of Secret and Ultra Rares, with some cards also available as Quarter Century Secret Rares.

3,90 €*
Yu-Gi-Oh! - Booster Display: Battles of Legend - Terminal Revenge (DE)
Battles of Legend: Terminal Revenge combines the storytelling of the Hidden Arsenal series with its own signature blend of foil-ups for popular cards, and gives Duelists another shot at tournament-level cards. Combined, it’s a can’t miss, all-foil Summer Dueling blockbuster! Tales from the Terminal World! Battles of Legend: Terminal Revenge features brand-new cards for 4 of the most popular themes introduced in the world of the Duel Terminal arcade game! These themes formed the backbone of the Hidden Arsenal booster sets for years and appeared in many core booster sets as well! In Battles of Legend: Terminal Revenge, you’ll find new cards for: Ice Barrier! Freeze out your opponent with a new Level 10 Synchro Monster that Summons an “Ice Barrier” monster from your Deck, Extra Deck, hand, or Graveyard when your opponent Special Summons! There’s a wide variety of domineering “Ice Barrier” monsters, so there’s bound to be at least one that freezes your opponent’s strategy in its tracks. You can also find a new version of Brionac, the first of the dragons trapped in the Ice Barrier! Genex! Genex Controller, the little Normal Monster that could, is getting more than a new coat of paint! Use it to Link Summon a brand-new Link-1 monster that can generate theoretically limitless Normal Summons! As long as you can keep adding “Genex” monsters to your hand with card effects, you can keep Normal Summoning them out right away – perfect for assembling powerful Synchro Monsters like Locomotion R-Genex, or the new Level 10 “Genex” Synchro in this set that can repeatedly negate and destroy your opponent’s monsters by banishing monsters from your Graveyard! Infernoid! The world-shaping flood of Infernoids began in Secrets of Eternity and continues here! Fusion Summon a new Level 1 “Infernoid” Fusion Monster that swiftly multiplies the number of “Infernoid” monsters you have in your Graveyard, then finish off your opponent with a devastating Link-4 “Infernoid” Link Monster! Even better, since Link Monsters have no Level or Rank, it won’t count against the '8 or lower’ total Levels/Ranks restriction to Special Summon most “Infernoid” effect monsters! Ritual Beast! The bonds between spiritual beasts and their tamers are reforged! You can only Special Summon each Main Deck “Ritual Beast” monster once per turn, so you need as many Tamers and Spiritual Beasts in your Deck as possible. Fans of this strategy can find a new version of Lara, one of the original Ritual Beast Tamers, as well as 2 new Ulti- class Ritual Beasts for your Extra Deck, including a Link Monster! Even More New Cards On top of that, you’ll find new cards that bolster strategies introduced in Phantom Nightmare and Legacy of Destruction. Plus, this set contains cool cards from many different Yu-Gi-Oh! manga and animated series, including cards from the story of Sky Strikers! Another Chance at Popular Cards! As always with Battles of Legend sets, Battles of Legend: Terminal Revenge will feature a line-up of popular cards getting foil upgrades as well as some popular tournament cards you can use to up your game this Summer! No matter how you like to Duel, you won’t want to miss out on Battles of Legend: Terminal Revenge! Each 5-card pack contains 4 Ultra Rares and 1 Secret Rare. The complete Battles of Legend: Terminal Revenge booster set contains a mix of Secret and Ultra Rares, with some cards also available as Quarter Century Secret Rares.

70,00 €*

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